Socially-engaged art and filmmaking approach

 I believe that film is a powerful medium to share stories and create meaningful change.

Now, more than ever, diverse and marginalised voices are getting a chance to be heard through the rising accessibility of technology and media. In my role as a change maker, care and ethics are two fundamental considerations at the heart of my socially engaged filmmaking practice. I come with a willingness to communicate, to share, to care, to adapt to change and to support community participation. 

The principles I strive to uphold in my work include:

  • Collaboration - working closely with communities to ensure that stories are told with authenticity, safety and respect for participants involvement.

  • Healthy boundaries - ensuring that relationships are ethically considerate and that the needs of both artists and community members are upheld.

  • Care - When adequate care is not taken during socially engaged projects, the results can be significantly detrimental to participants, including the artist(s). However, caring effectively and adequately in socially engaged projects is not always a simple task and usually involves juggling many competing needs and responsibilities.

  • Artistic integrity - delivering high quality outcomes within the scope of the project.

  • Flexibility - being aware that unexpected changes or adjustments may arise during the process.

Lifeline offers mental health support after the Lismore floods

Volunteers help with the Lismore flood recovery

Southern Cross University, Centre for Children and Young People

Lismore City Coucil, Prospectus

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